Our home department at Northwestern University. Located in Evanston, IL.
The lab participates in the IBiS graduate program. If you are interested in pursuing graduate studies in biomedicine at Northwestern, this is the place to go.
The lab participates in the NITMB, a newly funded (as of 2023) initiative by the NSF and Simons Foundation to bring some more math and theory to the study of biology.
We in the Blythe Lab unequivocally support efforts in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion for both the Northwestern community, as well as the world at large. This link used to take you to the Molecular Biosciences DEI Committee homepage before Northwestern ghosted all their DEI-related sites. Now it is a dead link to a 404 error. We're leaving this dead link here as a reminder that when the going got tough, Northwestern listened to the lawyers and accountants instead of standing strong behind the people that make this University great.
A training program at Northwestern that the Blythe Lab participates in.
Student organization for members of the Interdisciplinary Biological Sciences graduate program. Follow this link also for information on the Diversity in Biological Sciences (DiBS) Council.
A University-wide organization for postdoc support and networking.
We are committed to publishing our code when we publish a paper. The current plan is to create a github repository for papers so that you can see how we did our analysis. We also host some processed data files for our published genomic studies here. Please visit our files and data page for more information.
We like the SDB. The conferences are fun, and where else do you get to hear about all the cool developmental biology going on in the world? You too should be part of the SDB. Do it.
We also like the GSA. They do the annual Drosophila meeting which is also fun, if you're into fruit flies.
Everything you want to know about fruit flies. All in one site. Best model system rerource ever.
Our favorite way to look at genomic data and browse genomic features.
This database is a carefully curated source for all the pieces of Drosophila DNA known to have been assayed for regulatory function. Wanna know where that weird enhancer from that paper from '94 came from? It's in here.
A tour de force study to characterize the expression patterns associated with thousands of intergenic DNA sequences. Carefully annotated and documented. Images are searchable.
In 2020, grad student Ellie Degen recorded a tour of the lab and showed off the fly room and confocal as part of the "A Day in the Life of a STEM-itist" career series for middle school students.